Medical Disposable tunneled perm port Hemodialysis Catheter
Thepa e se nang latex e fana ka polokeho e ntle haholo.
Li-catheter tse entsoeng ka TPU ea boleng bo holimo
Lumen e le 'ngoe, lumen e habeli habeli le Quad lumen lia fumaneha
Radiopacity e ntle ea catheter e etsa hore ho be bonolo le ho sireletseha bakeng sa ts'ebetso.
Ntlheng e boputsoa e bonolo e fana ka kotsi e fokolang sekepeng, e nolofalletsa ho kena sebakeng sa ho phunya.
Moralo o nang le tokelo ea sehokelo o o etsa hore o boreleli le ho tiea, o thibela sehlahisoa ho tsoa tšoaetsong, ho lutla le ho tšolloa.
Li-tubes tse atolositsoeng tse nang le li-clamp tse senyehang le matšoao a hatisitsoeng li lumella ho boloka catheter hole le sebaka sa ho kenya, ho fokotsa kotsi ea moea embolism.
1.The Catheter e entsoe ka silicone ea premium, e nang le biocompatibility e babatsehang.
2.The dacron cuff e ka sireletsa ho falla ha catheter le ho fokotsa monyetla oa CRBl (Catheter Related Bloodstream Infections).
3. Thepa ea silicone e etsa hore catheter e be floppy haholoanyane, ka hona e ka fokotsa ts'oaetso ea mothapo le ho fokotsa ketsahalo ea leqeba.
Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa
Hemodialysis Catheter
Mefuta e fapaneng e ka fumaneha
Lumen e le 'ngoe 7/8Fr
Habeli lumen 6.5 Fr /8.5 Fr /11.5 Fr /12 Fr /14Fr
Triple Lumen 12Fr
Standard Kits kenyeletsa
1.Silicone Catheter
2.Sekepe sa Dilator
3.Sehlahisoa sa Valved Peelable
4.lSelelekela Nale
6.Tunneler (Tocar)
7.Adhesive Leqeba Dressings8.Herparin Caps
9.Gauze Sponges10.Scalpel
12.Nale e nang le Suture